President: Kate Nguyen
hello! I founded this society a while back, I'm a data science major with a pathway in technology and ethics. I currently have a raging valorant addiction and have 1000 stars on dti. My role as president is to manage our servers, overlook the society, and plan our fun events! Currently, we are branching into Esports, so I'm very excited to see where this takes us :) We just hosted our Halloween social with RedBull Gaming Sphere, so I hope to continue planning these very exciting events! Don't hesitate to contact us on our instagram if you have any gaming enquiries <3 @nu_gamingsoc
Secretary: Kelly Hoeffer
Hi everyone, My name is Kelly Hoeffer and I'm NU Gaming Society's Secretary! I'm currently a second year Economics major with concentrations in Business and Psychology, and I love reading, playing games, and making new friends! Some new things I've picked up are matcha making and journaling. Some of my goals this year include baking and cooking more food!
Treasurer: Charlie Donovan
Holamos, me llamo Charlie. I'm a second-year Politics and IR student interested in many many games. (my most played is still R6 at just under 3000 hours) My current role is as treasurer but the part I enjoy the most is participating in the many events we run each term. Outside of that, my interests are primarily music, TV, and football. Join our server to engage :]